If I die it will be your fault

Updated 23 May 2021. BBC Breakfast at 8:30am on Sunday 23 May featured this issue.

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A very powerful message with an accompanying video has recently been posted by St Lawrence Surgery in Worthing.

The post and video highlight the verbal and sometimes physical abuse that General Practice staff across the UK receive, from the very people they are trying to help.

If you are a member of the St Lawrence Surgery Facebook Group, you can view the post and video on the surgery’s private Facebook group.

You can also view the “If I die it will be your fault” video right here on this page

The video has an introduction by Jo Wadey, Practice Business Manager at St Lawrence Surgery Worthing.

Video titled If I die it will be your fault

This is a campaign video by IGPM (Institute of General Practice Management) to end abuse in GP practices.

Related external links

You can visit the IGPM website to find out more about their work.
See hashtag #IfIDieItWillBeYourFault on Twitter to follow the conversation.