St Lawrence Surgery Microscope Appeal

Post Updated 14 December 2021. Reason for update: Fundraising target reached.

St Lawrence Surgery Microscope Appeal
St Lawrence Surgery Microscope Appeal

The St Lawrence Surgery Facegroup group in Worthing have started a gofundme fundraiser to raise funds for a new microscope specifically designed for Ears, Nose and Throat purposes, enabling depth of field for safe ear treatment.

We would like to purchase a new microscope specifically designed for Ears, Nose and Throat purposes, enabling depth of field for safe ear treatment. As you may be aware the surgery performs Micro-suction in house on a regular basis. This is a wonderful service for our patients, it means they are seen quickly with no long wait to be seen at the hospital and they only have to come to the surgery as opposed to travelling to the hospital which can be difficult for older or disabled patients.

The microscope that was being used was on loan. So if it were possible the doctors would be extremely grateful for a replacement. The cost varies and they would obviously look for the best possible deal and the lowest price but to replace like with like is going to cost approximately £5000.

It would be fantastic if we could buy this for the surgery.

Fundraising target reached for the St Lawrence Surgery Microscope Appeal

Updated 14 December 2021

We have reached our fundraising target! This morning I visited the walking group and they were happy for their donations for this year and last to be put towards this project. The money was then topped up, to meet our target, with a generous donation from one of the walkers. I have just written a cheque for £5000 and taken it to the surgery. They are thrilled and very grateful. A very, very big thank you to everyone who has donated. I will leave the GoFundMe page open as any further donations can go towards future projects when they are decided upon. Once again, thank you all so much.

Source: St Lawrence Surgery Microscope Appeal by St Lawrence Surgery Facebook group

About St Lawrence Surgery in Worthing

St Lawrence Surgery serves the Tarring area of Worthing and has a Care Quality Commision “Outstanding” rating.

Links and Resources

The gofundme appeal page
St Lawrence Surgery Facebook group
St Lawrence Surgery website
The Doctor Family Facebook group – Accurate COVID-19 information from medical experts at St Lawrence Surgery

St Lawrence Surgery map location